Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

one more

one more

Monday, March 28, 2011

10 mths old

I am so far behind on blogging and life in general as our family has been under the weather for the past 3 weeks. The boys came down with a GI virus on a Friday morning and by that afternoon mommy had it. Not only did it take mommy out, but daddy was blessed with it at 3:00 am. This virus was brutal. We all threw up for 12hours. The virus also brought about 12 days of diarrhea for the boys. Not only did they get diarrhea but they also developed colds and ear infections. We are now coming to the end of their antibiotic course, so let’s pray they stay well or mommy may need a psych ward. Times like this is when you wish you had a family close by just to take a baby for a few hours. On the other hand, our family is spared from all the sickness.

During those 3 weeks the boys have not made many changes. Adler has started walking and Bodhi is not far behind. Adler has also developed 2 new top teeth. We are now just getting back to eating solids as I had to pull everything in hopes to slow the diarrhea down. Some new foods we have tried are cheerios, spaghetti, vanilla pudding, chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, pop tarts, French toast, cinnamon toast, and turkey. So far they are big fans of all of it. I will say that Bodhi does not like green beans and Adler is funny about certain textures. We also have now learned how to spit and throw things off our tray.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our gifts from Germany

A big thank you to Thorsten and his family for the great gift box. The boys loved opening the package and finding all the goodies. They have worn their hats numerous times as Buffalos weather seems to always be cold. They also enjoy playing with the rattles and the towels keep them warm after their bath.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Playing with Mommies Scarves

The boys got into my box of scarves. They thought they were fabulous and spent a long time figuring out what they could do with them such as hit each other with them, swing them in circles, and drag them around the house. I attempted to show them how to put them on which only lasted a couple of minutes but time enough for a quick embarrassing photo for the future.