Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our First Snow

Bernd, I, and the boys ventured home to NC for Thanksgiving this year. We drove through the night and arrived about 5:30 in the morning. The boys did amazing. On the way back we were greeted with approximately 8 inches of snow. Despite, Bernd's and my exhaustion we took the boys sledding. At first they were not to found of their marshmellow outfits. They kept trying to find their hands but sooned realized they were hidden away by the suit. After a couple of trips up and down the hill they were having a great time. We even let them try fresh snow. They were a little confused of way it was so cold. They kept looking up at me at shaking their heads but yet kept eating it. After about 30 minutes in the snow we came in and de-clothed. It is a lot of work getting two six months old dressed.

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