Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 8 months old

Since our last 7 month birthday we have made extreme progress. We both began to crawl at 7.5 months old and we now pull ourselves up on any object in reaching distances. We also love to steal papers off the coffee table and open any cabinet in reach. Safety locks are easily removed by Bodhi and he laughs out loud when he brings them to you. Leaving the room is now a problem because you always find them in trouble. I think they have an agreement to crawl in different directions and grab the one object they should not have. Mommy has now changed her name to Spider Woman, however I wish Spider Man would lend me his net. Bodhi now has one little bottom tooth which appeared close to 7 months old. They both are working on more teeth and chew on things like little beavers. They have graduated to size 3 diapers and are now testing “real” people food. So far they enjoy banana/blueberry bread, grits, yogurt, and mash potatoes. Adler also likes sugar free jello but Bodhi is not found of the texture. They have also grown out of size 3 to 6 month clothing and are now wearing 6 to 9 and even some 12 month clothing. Thank goodness for Grandma who likes to shop and keeps them well dressed. Their last stats were Adler 19.5 lbs and Bodhi 20 lbs. Got to love how our little jelly bean is now out growing his brother.

They also now greet you in the morning with the simple word “Hi” or so we think. Adler always gets up smiling while Bodhi needs time for adjustment. Bodhi stops by ever object he passes while crawling and studies it while Adler is getting from point A to B as fast as possible. I guess we will see how they continue to progress.

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