Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Gretchen and Baby London Visit

Gretchen and London came to visit and meet the boys. We haven't seen each other since her first baby Hudson was born, who is now sadly 4 years old. How time flies. We enjoyed a weekend of relaxing, visiting downtown East Aurora, a Pumpkin Festival in Clarence, and Niagara Falls. Surprisingly, the weather was beautiful. She must have brought it with her from Texas as before her arrival it rained all week long.

London was such a joy. I loved watching her chase the cat. She now has a new word "kitty". I think this means a new kitty will be visiting the Holladay house for Christmas. If you have never met London, no worries she is just a mini version of Jason. I have to say she is also popular amongst the Japanese people who wanted to take her photo.

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