Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

Adler Knight & Bodhi Bernhardt

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Letchworth State Park

Letchworth State Park, has some of the most magnificent scenery in the US. It comprises 14,350 acres along the Genesse River. Within the park, the river roars over three major waterfalls, one of which is 107 feet high. The cliffs approach 600 feet.

The park has a rich heritage of the Seneca Indians which is well documented in the park with displays and a restored Seneca Council House.

Cabins and camping sites are also popular. If you don't want to rough it then a lodge is available.

The park offers swimming, fishing, hiking trails, hot air ballooning, whitewater rafting, and canoeing.

Luckily it is located only 45 minutes from our home. I am sure we will spend several summer days there with our boys.

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